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Cooking, Baking, & Beyond

We are a dedicated group of volunteers who daily provide kosher homemade meals, cakes and cookies to our holy soldiers in the field. We serve 1,000 soldiers a week. To keep our fighters in good shape and good spirits, we know that every soldier marches on his stomach. These soldiers are fighting for our very existence, both in the Land of Israel, and for every Jew wherever they may be. Our future depends on them.



Meet Hannalee Kaplan Arusy, an American-Israeli mother of six, residing in Ra'anana, Israel. Alongside her husband and children, Hannalee has dedicated herself to supporting the brave soldiers on the front lines. Since October 8, she has been tirelessly cooking, baking, and dispatching homemade food and treats directly to battle zones. Her efforts are not just a gesture of kindness but a symbol of unwavering support and solidarity with the soldiers defending their country.

Our group is a diverse and vibrant mix of individuals, mainly consisting of Olim (immigrants) from the USA, alongside some from Britain, a few native Israelis, and members from Mexico. We are united by a common purpose and maintain a Mehadrin kosher level in our food preparation. To ensure the highest standards, a food safety specialist oversees the safety and quality of our meals. Our mission is clear and heartfelt: to ensure that these valiant fighters never face hunger. They rely on us just as we rely on them, creating a bond of mutual support and dedication. Now, we extend this bond to you. Your help is crucial in our endeavor to provide not just sustenance, but a taste of home and love. Join us in our mission to fortify the future of the Jewish people, armed with our most powerful weapon: good, home-cooked kosher meals where love is the main ingredient.

Felicia Hershey Gipsman

Felicia, a mother and grandmother based in San Diego, is a professional caterer and food safety specialist. She supervises and advises on menu and food safety matters.

“If, as Napoleon Bonaparte famously said, “an army marches on its stomach,” it is women like HannaLee Kaplan-Arusy of the 4IDF Cooking, Baking, & Beyond group who are leading that march, filling countless stomachs of our angels in green.."


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